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Coder: Train an AI to Read Your Drawings!
Coder: Train an AI to Read Your Drawings!

الاثنين، ٠٨ جمادى الآخرة


King Abdullah University Of Science And

Coder: Train an AI to Read Your Drawings!

This workshop introduces kids to the basics of Artificial Intelligence in a fun, interactive way. Participants will draw facial expressions like "Happy" and "Sad," train an AI model using Teachable Machine, and watch as the AI predicts the emotions behind their drawings

Time & Location

٠٨ جمادى الآخرة ١٤٤٦ هـ، ١٢:٠٠ م – ١:٠٠ م غرينتش+٣

King Abdullah University Of Science And , 3858, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, King Abdullah University Of Science And Technology 23955, Saudi Arabia

About the event

Title of Event: Train an AI to Read Your Drawings!

Target Audience: Kids aged 7–12 

Time and Date: 9 DEC , 12 - 1 PM

Workshop Information:

  • Idea/Overview:  This workshop introduces kids to the basics of Artificial Intelligence in a fun, interactive way. Participants will draw facial expressions like "Happy" and "Sad," train an AI model using Teachable Machine, and watch as the AI predicts the emotions behind their drawings

  • Main Objectives (3 short points):

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