الاثنين، ٠٨ جمادى الآخرة
|King Abdullah University Of Science And
Coder: Train an AI to Read Your Drawings!
This workshop introduces kids to the basics of Artificial Intelligence in a fun, interactive way. Participants will draw facial expressions like "Happy" and "Sad," train an AI model using Teachable Machine, and watch as the AI predicts the emotions behind their drawings
Time & Location
٠٨ جمادى الآخرة ١٤٤٦ هـ، ١٢:٠٠ م – ١:٠٠ م غرينتش+٣
King Abdullah University Of Science And , 3858, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, King Abdullah University Of Science And Technology 23955, Saudi Arabia
About the event
Title of Event: Train an AI to Read Your Drawings!
Target Audience: Kids aged 7–12
Time and Date: 9 DEC , 12 - 1 PM
Workshop Information:
Idea/Overview: This workshop introduces kids to the basics of Artificial Intelligence in a fun, interactive way. Participants will draw facial expressions like "Happy" and "Sad," train an AI model using Teachable Machine, and watch as the AI predicts the emotions behind their drawings
Main Objectives (3 short points):